wolfberry tea

wolfberry tea

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Product Description

Wolfberry leaves is also elegantly termed as Tianjiancao(splendid grass in heaven) and Dixianmiao(fairy seedling on earth). Its medical and food value has been recorded in many medical documents and books in different dynasties of china .
Compendium of Materia describes it as bitter, sweet and cold in nature,helpful in overcoming weakness,reducing temperature,cuebing thirsty,getting rid of anxiety and brightening the eyes.
Principle Names of Medicine regards it as good for the heart,the lung ,the spleen and the kidney.
Feature of Medicine describes it as very helpful in providing vitality,good for the complexion,brightening the eyes and comforting the brain . It can be boiled to drink just like tea .
The carotene content in wolfberry leaves is two times more than its content in fresh carrot. The vitamin E content is 51.346m/100g,epuivalent to two times of its content in plant-oil and four times inwolfberry fruit. It has rich element such as ascorbic acid, thiamine,riboflavin,progesterone material and so on.
wolfberry leaves tea is made with a unique technique with Ningxia wolfberry sprouts as its raw material .It perfectly keeps the useful elements and effects of the wolfberry leaves.Experiments have indicated that apart from the above materials, additional elements have insicated that apart from the above materials, additional elements have been found, including 18 kinds of amino acids, of which eight kinds are vital to the human body, such as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, coarse-protein,etc.
The product is free of caffeine and aninophylline. It possesses no stimulating function. sleeping is not affected after drinking this tea.(see table below)
Comparson between wolfberry leaves tea,amino acids of dry wolfberry fruits and the content of trace elements
Specification & how to take

wolfberry tea has two serial type:Green Tea & Black Tea
Black Tea is processed with fermented Ningxia wolfberry leaves . It is mild in nature and red and bright in color . It tastes pure and good .
wolfberry tea contains rich nutrition , being fragrant and slightly sweet,easily melted with water. Take 0.8 to 1gram to make a cup of tea.

Modern medical researches have proved that taking calcium is able to prevent high blood pressure. The lacking of elements such as iron, zinc and copper in the human body is likely leading to the weakening and disturbance of the immune function to some extent .The wolfberry leaves tea possesses rich elements like calcium, iron, zinc and selenium which has obvious function in reducing blood pressure and strengthening the human immune system .The progesterone material in the product is also effective in treating cough and asthma,expanding artery, reducing cholesterol, treating arteriosclerosis, indigestion and neurasthenia. The carotene can be transformed into vitamin A inside the human body .It is the nutrition to main tain sight and epithelial tissue . Vitamin A has some restrictive function towards tumor . The benefit of drinking Yuxin wolfberry leaves tea can be summarized as :reducing temperature, relieving poison, improving digestion,brightening the sight, comforting the brain, treating insomnia, reducing blood pressure, preventing cold, vitalizing thkidney and increasing beauty.
Special notice: Green tea is cold in nature. people with stomach and spleen symptoms should be cautious in using. Since it has a feature of being easily melted in water, the color of the tea is likely to turn into deep green if it is not taken after being made for some time. Advice is given to add boiled water to half of the original tea. The color of the tea will resume normal and is drinkable.The quality and flavor of the tea is not affected. Put appropriate crystal sugar in the tea will make it tastier.