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tibet goji

  • tibet goji
  • tibet goji
Model No.︰-
Brand Name︰tibet goji
Country of Origin︰China
Unit Price︰US $ 8.3 / kilo
Minimum Order︰500 kilo
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Product Description
WOLFBERRY INFORMATION Name Wolfberry fruit, Lycium fruit, Chinese Lycium, Lycium barbarum L.Wolfberry , Fructus Lycii, Gou Qi Zi, Christmasberry, matrimony vine A'Usaj, Boksdoorn, Cambronera, Mater Silvi, Taste and Color The wolfberry is a deep-red, dried fruit about the same size as a raisin. The Goji berry tastes somewhat like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry. I、Grade 1 Grade A.180 grains per 50 grams Grade B. 220 grains per 50 grams Grade C.no more than 370 grains per 50 grams. Grade D.no more than 580 grains per 50 grams. Grade E.no more than 1100 grains per 50 grams Package: in vacuum-packed bags The Hometown of the Wolfberry The Xinhua News Agency reported that the Ningxia variety of Lycium barbarum “is far superior to ordinary Chinese wolfberry in both tonic effects and economic results.” Due to their superior quality, some of the medical studies done on wolfberry have specified the use of the Ningxia wolfberries. As with other plants, the Chinese wolfberry has a number of species or varieties. Of the 80 different species of wolfberries worldwide, the Lycium barbarum from Ningxia has by far the highest levels of immune-stimulating polysaccharides. Ningxia’s Perfect Geography for Wolfberries The Huang He (Yellow) River originates in the Himalayan Mountains and flows through the Ningxia Province. This river creates a unique, mineral-rich, super fertile silt-water flood plain found nowhere else on earth, producing incomparable wolfberries. The beautiful Ningxia region is called “China’s herbal medicine valley”. Plant Much-branched shrub to 2 m (6 ft) tall. Stems arching, glabrous or pubescent, with a few stout spines. Leaves mostly fascicled; blade usually spatulate or oblanceolate, 1-4 cm (0.4-1.6 in) long and 0.5-1.5 cm (0.2-0.6 in) wide, entire, glabrous. Flowers solitary or in pairs, greenish-white or purplish, funnelform, 1.5-2 cm (0.6-0.8 in) long, 5-lobed. Fruits red when ripe, drying black, 0.8-1.2 cm (0.3-0.5 in) in diameter. in Chinese History Wolfberry’s value to human health was explored in China thousands of years ago. It has been cited by several ancient Chinese Medical since the Tang Dynasty (1000-1400 A. D) for its multiple health benefits, such as: nourishing the Yin (Yin-Yang theory is the fundamental theory of Chinese Traditional Medicine. Yin represents the material part of the body and Yang represents the energy and function of the body), strengthening the eyes, liver and kidney and nourishing the blood. Wolfberry fruits are used in many herbal formulas to maintain overall health when suffering from chronic conditions, such as weariness of the loins and legs, dizziness and ringing in the ear, visual degeneration, headaches, insomnia, chronic liver diseases, diabetes, tuberculosis, and hypertension. Ancient people used wolfberry fruit to make tea, soup, stew and wine or chewed them like raisins. Scientists in modern China have extensively studied wolfberry fruits, their nutrients and their medical benefits. They have further substantiated the ancient medical applications such as: maintain healthy immune system (including specific and non-specific immune response), improving eye conditions, support healthy liver function, maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar. CONSTITUENTS AND PHARMACOLOGY wolfberries, sometimes called wolfberries, are perhaps the most nutritionally dense fruit on the planet. wolf berries contain 18 kinds of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen) and contain all 8 essential amino acids (such as isoleucine and tryptophan). Goji berries contain up to 21 trace minerals (the main ones being zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus). wolfberries are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth! They contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges making them second only to camu camu berries as the richest vitamin C source on earth. wolfberries also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E. Mature fruits contain about 11 mg or iron per 100 grams, beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory agent), linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, solavetivone), tetraterpenoids (zeaxanthin, physalin), and betaine (0.1%). Goji berries contain polysaccharides which fortify the immune system. A polysaccharide found in this fruit has been found to be a powerful secretagogue (a substance that stimulates the secretion of rejuvenative human growth hormone by the pituitary gland). TRADITIONAL USES Traditionally, wolfberry fruit is described as having the properties of nourishing the blood, enriching the yin, tonifying the kidney and liver, and moistening the lungs. It is applied in the treatment of such conditions as consumptive disease accompanied by thirst (includes early-onset diabetes and tuberculosis), dizziness, blurred vision, diminished visual acuity, and chronic cough. When making a decoction (tea prepared by boiling the herb in water), 6-18 grams of fruit are used for a daily dose, usually in combination with other herbs, for one to three months as a typical course of therapy (wolfberry is also used in anti-aging formulas, consumed for years). In the treatment of atrophic gastritis (weakened digestion due to reduced activity of the stomach cells), it has been used by having the patients consume the whole fruits in the amount of 10 grams each time, twice daily before meals (for two months). In the treatment of diabetes, steamed wolfberry fruit is eaten in the dose of 10 grams each time, three times daily (steaming softens the fruits). Thus, the daily dosage range of 10-30 grams is typical of medical applications in China. Modern Studies on Wolfberry: 1. Support healthy immune system: · Many studies have shown wolfberry fruits increase the lymphocyte transformation rate and improve the macrophage phagocytic function in animals. LBP assists spleen lymphocyte transformation induced by Concavalin A5. LBP increases the antibody reaction to T cell-dependant antigen (SRBC) which means that LBP selectively strengthen the T cell immune response6. LBP enhances the T cell immune response by increasing the number of E receptors on the surface of T cells or increasing the numbers of T cells directly. · LBP also can be used to reduce lead toxicity because LBP inhibits the reduction of T cells and delayed allergy activity induced by lead. · One study was done on seniors in China. This study showed after taking wolfberry, lysozyme, IgG and IgA in serum increased in all participants. The activities of interleukin 2 (IL-2) were found to increase 2.26 fold in two-thirds of the participants. 2. Anti-aging: · Wolfberry fruit functions to maintain normal cell growth and improve DNA restoration and repair. LBP also has the function of anti-peroxidation of free radicals, therefore changing the electrical parameters of cell membranes to the normal range7. · In one study in China, a 48% increase of Super Oxide Dismutase and a 12% increase of hemoglobin were found in serum for all senior participants. A 65% decrease of LPO in serum was found in the same study. This indicates wolfberry fruit may be a potent anti-oxidant, which may slow the aging process. 3. Cancer prevention: · Other studies from China show the acetone extract from wolfberry fruit inhibits the gene mutation induced by TA98 and TA1008. Some scientists believe that wolfberry fruit may be a very good supplement to prevent liver cancer because it exerts liver protection and anticancer effects at the same time. · Seventy-nine advanced cancer patients in a clinical trial in China were treated with LAK/IL-2 combined with LBP9. Initial results of the treatment from 75 available patients indicate that objective regression of cancer was achieved in patients with malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and malignant hydrothorax. The response rate of patients treated with LAK/IL-2 plus LBP was 40.9% while that of patients treated with LAK/IL-2 alone was 16.1% (P<0.05). LAK/IL-2 plus LBP treatment led to a more marked increase in NK and LAK cell activity than LAK/IL-2 alone. The mean remission in patients treated with LAK/IL-2 plus LBP also lasted significantly longer. The results indicate that LBP may be used as an adjuvant in the biotherapy of cancer. · Another study from China showed LBP increased the sensitivity to radiation therapy10 and enhanced the immune system for cancer patients. · Japanese researchers reported wolfberry fruits could inhibit the growth of cancer cells. 4. Liver protection: · wolfberry helps counteract carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity11. · to repair liver cell injury induced by CCl4 and facilitates recovery from hepatic necrosis13. 5. Hemopoiesis promoter: · A study in China showed it facilitated stem cell proliferation and increased the number of monocytes in bone marrow14. 6. Vision improvement: · Wolfberry fruits were very popular for their vision improvement properties in ancient China. Modern Chinese scientists found wolfberry fruits reduce dark adapting time and improve vision under subdued light. · Lutein and zeaxanthin are sister pigments. They protect the retina by neutralizing the free radicals from sunlight that may damage eye tissue. There are very few foods rich in zeaxanthin. Wolfberry is one of them. · Physiologic scotoma decreased and vitamin A increased in patients after taking wolfberry fruits. Many scientists believe wolfberry contains more beta-carotene than carrots, which may attribute to this fact. How does it works wolfberry's exceptionally dense concentration of polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) bolsters the body's ability to fight disease by activating proteins in the immune system. Its antioxidant carotenoids and flavonoids protect the body from free-radical damage, which can cause disease and aging. Carotenoids--especially beta carotene, a vitamin A precursor--also improve vision. In addition, the fruit has significant amounts of vitamins [B.sub.1] (thiamin) and [B.sub.2] (riboflavin), which are essential to the body's production of energy. Its high vitamin C content-about 73 mg per 100 g (or three handfuls) of dried lycium fruit--promotes immunity. Lycium fruit also contains betaine, an alkaloid that helps produce choline, a compound that strengthens the liver. Trace minerals present in the fruit, such as iron, zinc, and selenium, also work to enhance immunity. Iron combats anemia by stimulating red blood cell production; zinc helps reproduce and repair cells; and selenium works with vitamin E to prevent free radical damage to cells. HOW TO TAKE IT wolfberry is primarily available as a dried fruit (it is often likened to raisins). Boil 1 ounce of the fruit in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes to make a decoction or herbal tea. a daily dose of about 3.5 grams per day of active polysaccharides would be a reasonable minimum dosage SAFETY wolfberry fruit has no known toxic effects. However, people suffering from acute fevers shouldn't take it because wolfberry can nourish the bacteria and viruses that cause fevers. Like many fruits,wolfberry may promote loose stools, so those with diarrhea should also not take it. 22 Reasons to Take wolfberry  1) A powerful antioxidant that can help prevent premature aging. 2) Immune System builder. Makes you look and feel younger.  3) Can help maintain healthy blood pressure, and strengthen your heart.4) Can help improve your memory functions. 5) Can help maintain normal blood sugar level and can help reduce cholesterol 8-10 grams of fruit is steamed and eaten each time, three times daily (steaming softens the fruits). The daily dosage range of 8-30 grams is typical of medical applications in China. 6) Can help enhance sexual functions and treat sexual dysfunctions.  7) Can help promote weight loss. have 30 grams each morning and each afternoon to be made into a tea. Results were excellent. Most patients lost significant weight. 8) Can help Relieve headche 9) Can help Relieve insomnia and improve the quality of sleep.  10) Can help improve your appetite and digestion.  11) Can help maintain eye health and can improve your vision.  12) Traditionally used as a treatment for Cancer.  13) Can help reduce the risk of Cancer and can help inhibit tumor growth. 14) Can help support healthy liver and kidney functions. 15) Can help menopausal symptoms.  16) Can help prevent morning sickness during pregnancy. 50 grams of Lycium is boiled along with 50 grams of Scute for 30 minutes. Drinking this tea is a quick and effective remedy for morning sickness 17) Can help improve fertility.18) Can help strengthen your bones and muscles. 19) Can help alleviate stress and anxiety, and can promote cheerfulness 20) Can help activate anti-inflammatory enzymes.  21) Extends life 22) reduced stomach activity atrophic gastritis. Patients consume 10 grams of the whole fruits each time, twice daily before meals for two months or longer.
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